EXTRACT showcases AI/Data advances at ADR Digital Exhibit
Members of the EU AI Community came together as part of the online European Convergence Summit, hosted by the AI, Data and Robotics Association ecosystem to showcase solutions at the intersection of these three critical technologies. On 19 June 2024, EXTRACT...

EXTRACT Invited Talk at AeIC 2024
EXTRACT coordinator Eduardo Quiñones from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center was invited to speak at the 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologoies (AEiC 2024), which took place 11-14 June in Barcelona. His talk took place on 12 June...

Introducing DATANEXUS: the EU Cluster Harnessing Extreme Data using Advanced European Technologies
As part of the Horizon Europe funding programme, seven pioneering projects have received funding to address the challenges posed by extreme data generated by Internet of Things (IoT), industrial, business, administration, environmental, scientific, societal sources....

Venice UDT Presented at CSC Digital TWin Seminar
Partner BINARE joined the CSC’s Digital Twins Technologies group at their Digital Twin seminar on 27 May 2024. They shared a poster on the Urban Digital Twin of Venice being prepard within the framework of the EXTRACT use case for a Personalised Evacuation Route. The...

Urban Safety and Efficiency: A Digital Twin of Venice
The EXTRACT project, introduces a pioneering application of UDT in Venice, Italy—a city known for its unique architectural complexity and significant tourist influx. The UDT developed by LOGOS exemplifies advanced digital twin technology applied in urban settings.

EXTRACT Videos highlight Benefits of EU Tech for Addressing Social and Research Challenges
Watch our videos to learb how the EXTRACT project is harnessing the power of data and testing its solutions in the PER and TASKA use case.

Simulating Movement to Test Learning Strategies in the PER use Case
Implementing the PER system and creating a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) model requires a preliminary phase that simulates the possible movements of people in an emergency situation to properly train the model.. A true-to-life simulator offers a safe and controlled platform for testing learning strategies in different situations.

Venice Draws on Experience of Retired Police to Highlight Crowd Movement for PER use case
On 2 February 2024, fifty retired policemen and women were called on to participate in a simulation activity that feeds into the project’s Personalised Evacuation Route use case. These volunteers met on San Servola island to help visually represent the change in crowd speed stemming from different obstacles put in their path.

Building Edge to Cloud Data Lakes and Warehouses backed by Data Catalogue to Power AI
By:SIXSQ Efficiently managing data is one of the main challenges faced by complex computing systems, including AI. The rapid increase of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and the vast amounts of raw data they generate have made it essential to effectively store and...

MWC24 0pens door to Industry
Elli Kartsakli and Alba Cañete from the BSC presented at the Barcelona Beat Agora, hosted by the Barcelona City Council on 26 February. Their presentation focused on smart city applications of the key enabling technologies that facilitate extreme data mining. It also included an introduction into the Venice Personalised Evacuation Route crisis management use case.