Advancing the compute continuum at EXTRACT-organized WS at HiPEAC

Advancing the compute continuum at EXTRACT-organized WS at HiPEAC

EXTRACT had a strong presence at HiPEAC 2025, through presentations given by Elli Kartsakli from the Barelona Supercomputing Center and through presentations by Eduard Quiñones, Alba Cañete-Garrucho (BSC) and Julien Girard (Observatoire de Paris) as part of the co-organized workshop “Advancing the compute continuum: intelligent solutions for extreme data and 5G-enabled ecosystems”.

TASKA use case presented at key astronomy events

TASKA use case presented at key astronomy events

The EXTRACT project is leveraging cutting-edge data processing technology across the compute continuum (edge, cloud and HPC) that is being tested in the Transient Astrophysics with a Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (TASKA) use case, spearheaded by partners from the...

Year 2 Wraps Up with Geneva F2F

Year 2 Wraps Up with Geneva F2F

This is the project’s fifth in-person meeting since the project’s inception. With a favorable mid-term review halfway through the project and several dissemination activities showcasing project results, we are confident that 2025 will help us reach our final goals and yield exciting results.

EXTRACT deliverables now available

EXTRACT deliverables now available

Nine deliverables detailing the project's work have been published in the results section of the website. The EXTRACT deliverables offer essential insights into the project and its progress. The following deliverables, created for public dissemination, have been...