Delivering a data-driven open-source platform integrating cloud, edge and HPC technologies for trustworthy, accurate, fair and green data mining workflows for high-quality actionable knowledge
Enable the development of complex and secure data mining workflows
Develop novel data-driven orchestration mechanisms to efficiently deploy and execute data mining workflows
Deliver the EXTRACT software platform and demonstrate its benefits in two use cases
Fully exploit the performance capabilities of the compute continuum to effectively address extreme data characteristics (high volume, variety, velocity, veracity) holistically
Foster the adoption of EXTRACT technology by industrial and academic communitie
Use cases
Personalized Evacuation Routing (PER) System
A Personalized Evacuation Routing (PER) System will serve to guide citizens in an urban environment (the city of Venice) through a safe route in real time.
The EXTRACT platform will be used to develop, deploy and execute a data-mining workflow to generate personalized evacuation routes for each citizen, displayed in a mobile phone app, by processing and analysing extreme data composed of Copernicus and Galileo satellite data, IoT sensors installed across the city, 5G mobile signal, and a semantic data lake fusing all this information.
Transient Astrophysics with a Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (TASKA)
The Transient Astrophysics with a Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (TASKA) case will use EXTRACT technology to develop data mining workflows that effectively reduce the huge amount of raw data produced by NenuFAR radio-telescopes by a factor of 100. This will allow the populating of high-quality datasets that will be openly accessible to the astronomy community (through the EOSC portal) to be leveraged for multiple research activities.
Urban Safety and Efficiency: A Digital Twin of Venice
The EXTRACT project, introduces a pioneering application of UDT in Venice, Italy—a city known for its unique architectural complexity and significant tourist influx. The UDT developed by LOGOS exemplifies advanced digital twin technology applied in urban settings.
EXTRACT Videos highlight Benefits of EU Tech for Addressing Social and Research Challenges
Watch our videos to learb how the EXTRACT project is harnessing the power of data and testing its solutions in the PER and TASKA use case.
Simulating Movement to Test Learning Strategies in the PER use Case
Implementing the PER system and creating a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) model requires a preliminary phase that simulates the possible movements of people in an emergency situation to properly train the model.. A true-to-life simulator offers a safe and controlled platform for testing learning strategies in different situations.
2023 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience
Presentation: Multi-party Computation for Privacy and Security in Machine Learning: A Practical Review We are excited to announce that LOGOS RI and MATHEMA will be participating in the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience. The conference...
IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting: Exploring EXTRACT Project and Transient Astrophysics
Location: Congress Centre of the Research Area, Bologna, Italy Date: May 8-12, 2023 EXTRACT partner Observatoire de Paris presented the Transient Astrophysics with an SKA pathfinder use case at the IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting held at the Congress Centre of...
Building a Cognitive Cloud-Edge Continuum for Next-Generation Data Processing Applications
Location: Luleå, Sweden Date: June 14, 2023 "Building a Cognitive Cloud-Edge Continuum for Next-Generation Data Processing Applications" at BDVA´s DataWeek 2023. Come see speakers from projects of the Cloud-Edge-IoT community, including Nikolaos Matskanis, Thomas...