Delivering a data-driven open-source platform integrating cloud, edge and HPC technologies for trustworthy, accurate, fair and green data mining workflows for high-quality actionable knowledge
Enable the development of complex and secure data mining workflows
Develop novel data-driven orchestration mechanisms to efficiently deploy and execute data mining workflows
Deliver the EXTRACT software platform and demonstrate its benefits in two use cases
Fully exploit the performance capabilities of the compute continuum to effectively address extreme data characteristics (high volume, variety, velocity, veracity) holistically
Foster the adoption of EXTRACT technology by industrial and academic communitie
Use cases
Personalized Evacuation Routing (PER) System
A Personalized Evacuation Routing (PER) System will serve to guide citizens in an urban environment (the city of Venice) through a safe route in real time.
The EXTRACT platform will be used to develop, deploy and execute a data-mining workflow to generate personalized evacuation routes for each citizen, displayed in a mobile phone app, by processing and analysing extreme data composed of Copernicus and Galileo satellite data, IoT sensors installed across the city, 5G mobile signal, and a semantic data lake fusing all this information.
Transient Astrophysics with a Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (TASKA)
The Transient Astrophysics with a Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (TASKA) case will use EXTRACT technology to develop data mining workflows that effectively reduce the huge amount of raw data produced by NenuFAR radio-telescopes by a factor of 100. This will allow the populating of high-quality datasets that will be openly accessible to the astronomy community (through the EOSC portal) to be leveraged for multiple research activities.
Year 2 Wraps Up with Geneva F2F
This is the project’s fifth in-person meeting since the project’s inception. With a favorable mid-term review halfway through the project and several dissemination activities showcasing project results, we are confident that 2025 will help us reach our final goals and yield exciting results.
EXTRACT deliverables now available
Nine deliverables detailing the project's work have been published in the results section of the website. The EXTRACT deliverables offer essential insights into the project and its progress. The following deliverables, created for public dissemination, have been...
TASKA “C” Use Case: Fast-paced data calibration and imaging on the “C”loud
In the TASKA use case “C”, radio telescopes are used for imaging solar activity, particularly at very low radio frequencies. At these frequencies, the Sun appears as a lower resolution disk with blurry, blobby solar ejectas. Imaging these phenomena is crucial as it...
EXTRACT Co- Hosts Hackathon at 2024 NESU Conference
The 2024 Nordic Economics Sudients’ Union (NESU) Autumn Conference is welcoming EXTRACT partner, Binare Oy, as co-organiser of a full-day Hackathon. Binare will present the EXTRACT project to future business professionals interested in applying cutting-edge research to real-life challenges.
EXTRACT INVITED TALK on the Compute Continnum @ 2024 AEiC
The 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024) was held in Barcelona from 11-14 June 2024. The conference is the latest in a series of annual international conferences started in the early 80's, under the auspices of...
Digital Booth in ADR Exhibition
This year's European Convergence Summit 2024 will include a very special co-located Digital Exhibition on AI, Data and Robotics Technology. EXTRACT will have a digital booth showcasing its work at the intersection of AI and data. Several EC-funded projects will share...