Members of the EU AI Community came together as part of the online European Convergence Summit, hosted by the AI, Data and Robotics Association ecosystem to showcase solutions at the intersection of these three critical technologies.
On 19 June 2024, EXTRACT participated in the online AI, Data and Robotics (ADR) exhibition that was held as part of the Summit. EXTRACT had its own digital booth, where it showcased the work undertaken in the first half of the project. The digital booth counted with high-levels of participation from Summit attendees, including influential players from the EU AI, Data and Robotics community.
In addition to granting the project an opportunity to share its work with high-level policymakers, researchers and the general public, the digital booth served as a place to announce our collaboration with six other projects funded under our Horizon Europe call HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-05.
Read more about how our project group cluster, DataNexus, is working to leverage innovative infrastructures, to converge and work seamlessly across the compute continuum. See how we are applying diverse application cases, ranging from crisis management, mobility, to food security, to bring our innovative work closer to end-users, making it a reality for them.