Presenting TASKA-C at the– SKA-France Workshop

Date: February 11, 2025
Location: Online
TASKA use case C: Architecture view

EXTRACT partners from the Observatoire de Paris, Julien Girard and Baptiste Cecconi, presented the TASKA-C use case of the EXTRACT project at the SKA-France workshop.

The presentation introduced the different technologies available in the project gathering radioastronomy, HPC, orchestration and distribution experts together.

Slide 9 of the “TASKA” presentation delivered to the SKA-France Workshop on 11 February 2025.

TASKA use case C involves the workflow orchestration of interferometric data processing with a focus on improving the processing speed, accuracy and automation on large data sets.

For more information, access the presentation here .

Learn more about the TASKA use case here.