HiPEAC 2025 WS: Advancing the compute continuum

Date: January 21, 2025
Location: Barcelona
EXTRACT Collaborates with BSC and URV coordinated projects in workshop to Showcase innovations in the Compute Continuum

The emerging paradigm of edge computing involves a connected and distributed ecosystem of highly heterogeneous computing elements, spanning from the edge of the network, near end-devices, to public or private centralized cloud data centers.

Whereas cloud and HPC resources are traditionally employed to handle the heavy computational load, edge computing can offer faster response times, reduced latency, and more efficient bandwidth usage by processing data closer to the source, thus enhancing performance for real-time and latency-sensitive applications.

The integration of all the available computing technologies from edge to cloud and HPC into a unified compute continuum is essential in achieving the flexibility and modularity needed to meet the diverse and demanding requirements of vertical applications from a multitude of sectors, including automotive, manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, smart city services, etc.

The WOrkshop

The workshop is organized by EU-funded projects: EXTRACT, ASCENDER, VERGE, Cloudskin, and NEARDATA who will present novel approaches and solutions targeting key aspects of the compute continuum design. This includes AI and data-driven service and resource orchestration, data management and security for extreme data, parallel and distributed architectures, and integration with 5G and beyond communication networks.

The first part of the workshop will include presentations from European and national funded projects coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Universidad Rovira I Virgili that are pushing the frontiers of the compute continuum and applying their results to concrete applications. 

The second half of the workshop will feature a dynamic panel discussion with end-users of the technology being developed in the projects. The panel will address the challenges raised in the first session, offering insights from scientific and industrial perspectives that have unique and specific requirements. 

Agenda for “Advancing the compute continuum: intelligent solutions for extreme data and 5G-enabled ecosystems”

  • PART 1: PRESENTATIONS (14:00 – 15:30)
14:00 – 14:15Introduction: Development, Deployment and Execution Challenges across the Compute ContinuumEduardo Quiñones, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
14:15 – 14:40The EXTRACT project: Abstracting a highly distributed and heterogeneous infrastructureAlba Cañete-Garrucho, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
14:40 – 15:05The VERGE project: Enabling a 5G-connected edge computing infrastructureElli Kartsakli, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
15:05 – 15:30The NEARDATA project: Extreme Data processing of Cloud-Optimized Data formatsRaul Gracia, DELL
15:30 – 16:00Coffee Break
16:00 – 16:25The CloudSkin project: AI-enabled Cloud continuum with adaptive virtualization. Marc Sánchez-Artigas, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • PART 2: PANEL DISCUSSION (16:30 – 17:15)
16:30 – 17:00Panel adressing the challenges raised in the first session, offering insights from scientific and industrial perspectives that have unique and specific requirements. Moderator: Elli Kartsakli (BSC)

EXTRACT: Erez Hadad (IBM), Julien Girard (ObsParis) 

VERGE: Metsch Thijs  (INTEL)

NEARDATA: Raul Gracia (DELL)

CLOUDSKIN: Maria Serrano (Nearby computing)
17:00 – 17:15ConclusionsEduardo Quiñones, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

More information on HiPEAC 2025 is available here.