CompContinuum Workshop at HiPEAC 2024

Date: January 23, 2024

Figure 1: Xavier Palomo, from partner BSC, shares EXTRACT use cases to demonstrate potential crisis management applications of an efficient compute continuum

The half day workshop, “CompContinuum: Computing Continuum of Cloud, Edge, and IoT Technologies” held on the final day of HiPEAC 2024 brought together seven European-funded projects pursuing a more efficient and impactful compute continuum.

The compute continuum, made up of cloud, HPC, edge and IoT technologies offers diverse capabilities and can encourage scalability, cost-effectiveness, high performance processing and energy efficiency. The effective combination of these technologies can help optimize organizations’ computing infrastructures, especially in light of the potential impact of large-scale and distributed computing in domains with high societal impact, such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities.

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center presented the EXTRACT project with a focus on a holistic approach to extreme data across HPC, edge, and cloud computing. It also showed its application in its two use cases: Personalized Evacuation Route in Venice, Italy and the Transient Astrophysics with a Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (TASKA) space case.

NebulOus, AERO, OpenCUBE, Riser, Vitamin-V, SYCLOPS and EXTRACT are all European-funded projects.