BINARE members present EXTRACT at the CSC Summer School

Date: July 10, 2023

The participation of Binare, one of EXTRACT’s partners, during the CSC Summer School, which took place from June 27th to July 6th, was a great opportunity to explain and share the current project results and objectives with CSC Summer School participants and participating organizations, a core audience of EXTRACT project.

The attendance of two senior members of Binare aimed to obtain high-quality knowledge about effectively and efficiently combining programming practices and cybersecurity requirements with High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources.

Promotional video for the 2022 edition of the CSC Summer School

It also provided an exclusive opportunity to practice those new and improved HPC and programming skills on Finland’s newest LUMI supercomputer, which at the time of this writing ranks Top1 in Europe and Top3 Globally. For EXTRACT partners, the event brought the chance to expand Binare’s network of highly-skilled experts and organizations involved within HPC and compute continuum fields.

The EXTRACT community is committed to sharing its expertise with the next generation of scientists and building a community around key project technologies such as HPC, cloud and edge computing.

About the Extract project

The EXTRACT platform will improve the complete lifecycle of extreme data mining workflows, significantly enhancing performance, energy-efficiency, scalability and security, while fulfilling the extreme data characteristics in a holistic way. Moreover, multiple computing technologies, from edge to cloud to HPC, will be integrated into a unified and secure compute continuum. Specifically, the platform will feature enhanced data infrastructures and AI & big-data frameworks, novel data-driven orchestration and distributed monitoring mechanisms, a unified continuum abstraction and cyber-security and digital privacy across all software layers.