Advancing the compute continuum at EXTRACT-organized WS at HiPEAC

Advancing the compute continuum at EXTRACT-organized WS at HiPEAC

EXTRACT had a strong presence at HiPEAC 2025, through presentations given by Elli Kartsakli from the Barelona Supercomputing Center and through presentations by Eduard Quiñones, Alba Cañete-Garrucho (BSC) and Julien Girard (Observatoire de Paris) as part of the co-organized workshop “Advancing the compute continuum: intelligent solutions for extreme data and 5G-enabled ecosystems”.

Year 2 Wraps Up with Geneva F2F

Year 2 Wraps Up with Geneva F2F

This is the project’s fifth in-person meeting since the project’s inception. With a favorable mid-term review halfway through the project and several dissemination activities showcasing project results, we are confident that 2025 will help us reach our final goals and yield exciting results.